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1. 潜水员采集翡翠原石



2. 矿工筛选原石

Once the divers have collected the raw jade stones from the riverbed, they bring them to the surface for sorting. The miners carefully examine each stone, grading them based on their size, shape and quality. Only the highest-quality stones are selected for further processing.

3. 地下开挖

After the bright spots of jade deposits have been identified, the next step is to start underground mining. Excavators are used to dig through the surface soil and rock to reach the jade deposits. The mining process is carefully planned and executed to ensure the quality and efficiency of the resources extracted.


1. 观察外表

When selecting raw jade stones, it is important to observe their external characteristics. Look for stones with a smooth texture, uniform color and no visible cracks or impurities. The surface of a high-quality jade stone should be shiny and lustrous.

2. 听声音

Another important step in selecting raw jade stones is to listen to their sound. Strike the stone with a hammer or other tool to hear its tone. A high-quality jade stone will produce a clear and crisp sound, while a low-quality one will have a dull or muted sound.

3. 观察内部结构

To determine the internal structure of the jade stone, it can be examined under a microscope or by using other detection methods. Look for stones with a well-defined texture and no visible裂纹 or inclusions.


Once a high-quality jade stone has been selected, it needs to be cut and polished to reveal its beauty. The cutting process involves several steps:

1. rough cutting: The stone is first cut into a rough shape, usually a round or oval shape, to remove the unwanted parts and create a basic outline of the desired jade product.

2. fine cutting: After the rough cutting, the stone is further cut and shaped to achieve a more precise shape and size. This step requires careful precision and skill to avoid any damage to the stone.

3. polishing: The cut jade stone is then polished to enhance its natural luster and shine. This process involves using abrasive materials and polishing tools to smooth the surface of the stone and remove any imperfections.

In conclusion, the process of mining and cutting翡翠 is a delicate and intricate process that requires skill, patience and precision. The miners and craftsmen involved in this process must work together to ensure the production of high-quality jade products that meet the demands of consumers around the world. With its beauty and稀有性,翡翠 will continue to be sought after and appreciated for generations to come.


头像 潘欣 2024-06-07
的时间翡翠矿区在挖掘翡翠矿石的到底进展中,会按照矿藏深度和环境条件选择不同的雨水开采方法。无论是露天开采还是地下开采,都需要采纳一系列的工艺和设备。手镯翡翠是怎么挖出来的比较 翡翠是一种宝贵的一片矿石,主要存在于、、以及其他一些、南美洲和非洲。翡翠手镯也是一种非常受欢迎的大块珠宝。
头像 顾琳 2024-06-07
图:一个正准备下水采集翡翠的潜水员,潜水设备极为简陋。 图:潜水员正将从河底捞上来的石头收集起来,等待筛选。 图:密密麻麻的矿工,如同蚂蚁一般。潜水洞子。挖玉人腰上系着绳子,口衔通气胶管,戴上眼罩防水镜,身上绑着石头潜到江河水里去,靠手摸脚踩辨认砾石与翡翠。
头像 放心选·独孤评测 2024-06-07
需要注意的区域是,翡翠的用水开采是一项需要非常谨慎和耐心的洞子工作,由于翡翠的发现产量稀少,所以开采过程中需要保证挖掘的资源质量和效率。 地下开挖:一旦确定了翡翠产矿区的鲜亮位置,就会开始进行地下开挖。通常会使用挖掘机将地面上的平和土壤和岩石挖掘开来。
头像 房妍 2024-06-07
不过,翡翠矿的坚硬承包开采权收回并非一蹴而就的冲苗过程。它需要 *** 投入大量的土层人力、物力和财力,并推行一系列改革措施。
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