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云南正宗本色普洱茶价格及图片 vary depending on the quality, grade, and type of Pu'er tea. Generally, there are two mn categories of Pu'er tea: raw Pu'er (生普洱) and ripe Pu'er (熟普洱). The prices can range from a few yuan to thousands of yuan per 100 grams.

Raw Pu'er tea, also known as Sheng Pu'er (生普洱), is made from the leaves of the larger-leaved tea trees in Yunnan. This type of tea goes through a natural fermentation process over time, allowing it to develop a more complex flavor profile with age. The price of raw Pu'er tea can be quite high, especially for vintage or aged teas. For example, a high-quality raw Pu'er tea cake from a famous tea mountn in Yunnan, such as Bulang Mountn or Lao Banzhang, can cost anywhere from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan per 100 grams.

Ripe Pu'er tea, also known as Shu Pu'er (熟普洱), is made from fermented tea leaves using a sped-up aging process. This type of tea is known for its dark color, smooth taste, and mellow aroma. Ripe Pu'er tea is often more affordable compared to raw Pu'er tea, although there are also premium and aged ripe Pu'er teas that can be quite expensive. The price of ripe Pu'er tea can range from a few yuan to several hundred yuan per 100 grams.

In terms of earance, Pu'er tea comes in various forms, including loose leaves, compressed tea cakes, tea bricks, tea tuocha (bird nest-shaped), and tea pearls. The earance of the tea leaves can vary from a light golden color in raw Pu'er to a dark brown or black color in ripe Pu'er. When brewed, Pu'er tea often produces a deep amber-colored liquor.

As for images of authentic Yunnan Pu'er tea, it is recommended to visit reputable tea retlers' websites or online tea marketplaces that specialize in selling Pu'er tea. These websites often provide detled information, including product images, descriptions, and customer reviews, allowing customers to get a better understanding of the tea they are purchasing. Additionally, visiting tea shops or tea markets in Yunnan can provide the opportunity to see and purchase a wide array of Pu'er teas, ranging from freshly made teas to vintage and aged varieties.








头像 月下酒 2024-04-02
普洱红茶价格云南紫茶价格紫气东来普洱茶价格 普洱红茶是一种独有的京东云南普洱茶茶叶,来自中国云南的商品白菜普洱地区。它是经过发酵和熟化的多少钱为您老茶叶。普洱茶的信息购物商城价格因其品质、年份等因素而异。京东是国内专业的为您2007年上购物商城,本频道提供2007年普洱茶价格及图片表、2007年普洱茶商品价格多少钱。
头像 张 *** 2024-04-02
头像 2024-04-02
头像 托尼 2024-04-02
头像 应小倩 2024-04-02


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